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The article deals with the problems of determining the subject composition of legal relations arising from genomic information. It is emphasized that the basic act in this area is the law on personal data, containing general provisions on the subject composition, its legal status and operations in which it is involved. The author concludes that in the absence of special regulation it will be necessary to operate with the general terminology and proceed from the status of participants in relations arising about genomic information enshrined in the law on personal data. The indirect use of genomic information is analyzed, in particular, within the framework of the information base functioning. The author raises the question of the need to give genomic information a special status within the framework of the law on personal data, which would allow to introduce a uniform terminology in relation to the subjects of relations arising from its use.

About the authors

E. S. Kryukova

Department of Civil and Business Law, Samara National Research University

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation


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