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The article poses the problem of the need to take into account various individual physiological and mental characteristics of a person when conducting professional selection in connection with the expansion of the scope of professional activity. It is considered possible and expedient to solve the problem from the perspective of an integrated approach based, inter alia, on modern DNA technologies that make it possible to draw up «genetic maps» of a person’s predisposition to a particular type of professional activity. In this regard, it is proposed to form an appropriate regulatory legal framework consisting of three main blocks that determine the legal regime of genetic information and scientific research in this area; principles and procedures for genetic passportization; professional standards, in established cases taking into account, in particular, the factor of this predisposition. The article considers the question of the role of biological rhythms in the structure of professional adaptation and the need to take them into account when forming a general conclusion about a person’s potential correspondence to a certain professional activity, which has not been covered in the doctrine. The conclusion is drawn on the need for further interdisciplinary research of the problem and optimization of the legal regulation of relations in the field of professional activity associated with the risk of circadian biological rhythm disturbances.

About the authors

V. D. Ruzanova

Department of Civil and Business Law, Samara National Research University

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation

V. I. Belyakov

Department of Human and Animal Physiology, Samara National Research University

Russian Federation


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Copyright (c) 2020 Ruzanova V.D., Belyakov V.I.

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