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In the article the problem of the place of regional reform in the system of measures of anti-corruption policy of the Moscow state of the 16th century is put. On the basis of the analysis of the Code of Laws of 1550, authorized and regional diplomas it is shown that regional bodies played a signifi cant role in two connected directions of state policy – in fight against robberies and in anti-corruption. In research literature the point of view is formulated that one of the
most important problems of the Moscow state in the 16th century was the problem of distribution of organized crime and inefficiency of the existing methods of fi ght against it. In article the place of regional self-government institutions in the system of measures of anti-corruption policy reveals. At the same time material of regional diplomas which contain
numerous straight lines and indirect references to concrete historical forms of corruption is essential. Introduction of regional self-government institutions led to establishment of the general rules of implementation of administrative and judicial functions, control over which was ceded in hands of representatives of local communities. Existence of such rules created the general conditions for fi ght against corruption and also for counteraction to specifi c forms of corruption. Regional diplomas red tape, implementation of court without authorized diploma, false charges for the purpose of taking by property were legal base for counteraction to such kinds of corruption offenses as excess of the established norms of requisitions from the population.

About the authors

R. V. Silantyev

Department of Theory and History of State and Law and International Law, Samara National Research University

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation


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