Application of decision support technology at various stages of the life cycle of space facilities in assembly with the information system of technical condition and reliability

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The paper presents an approach to assessing structural states of space vehicles (complex organizational and technical objects) with support of taking decisions on their life cycle control. The analysis of the subject area showed the need to apply the new intellectual information technology presented in the article to the design of both the information system of a complex organizational and technical object, and the related systems for monitoring structural states and decision support as part of such an information system. We consider a version of a generalized computational model as a theoretical basis of this technology. The version discussed is a unified knowledge representation model that integrates a number of methods and approaches of the Artificial Intelligence theory and makes it possible to construct imitation-analytical polymodel complexes for monitoring states and controlling complex organizational and technical objects. The article shows that applying this technology allows comprehensive assessment of the technical state and reliability of the monitored object. The article also provides a brief overview of the software complex that solves the problems of estimating the structural states of space vehicles. The software complex is implemented on the basis of the examined intellectual information technology.

About the authors

P. N. Avtamonov

Scientific Research and Experimental Center of Intelligent Technologies “Petrokometa”

Author for correspondence.

Head of Analytics Department

Russian Federation

A. D. Bakhmut

Scientific Research and Experimental Center of Intelligent Technologies “Petrokometa”


Software engineer

Russian Federation

A. V. Krylov

Scientific Research and Experimental Center of Intelligent Technologies “Petrokometa”


Head of the Department of military industrial complex

Russian Federation

M. Yu. Okhtilev

Scientific Research and Experimental Center of Intelligent Technologies “Petrokometa”


Doctor of Science (Engineering), Professor,
Interim Director General

Russian Federation

P. A. Okhtilev

Scientific Research and Experimental Center of Intelligent Technologies “Petrokometa”


Software engineer

Russian Federation

B. V. Sokolov

St. Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation of the Russian Academy of Sciences


Doctor of Science (Engineering); Professor,
Deputy Director

Russian Federation


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