Quasi one-dimensional model and calculation of processes in gas turbineengine combustion chambers given the heterogeneity of the combustible mixture, changes in mass, composition, temperature and stirring efficiency of the working body

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The methodology of one- dimensional calculation of the combustion chamber existing  at SSAU has been significantly complemented: a) the uneven distribution of fuel in the combustion zone and its combustion in the range of excess air ratio 0.55 ... 1.65 has been taken into account; b) the amount of vaporized fuel at each site is determined by considering the size of evaporating droplets; c) for each fraction of the fuel burnt  the equilibrium composition and the adiabatic equilibrium flame temperature is determined; d) a scheme of mixing the combustion products with the secondary combustion air and mixing air is proposed in order to evaluate the non-uniformity of the temperature of exhaust gas at the output of the combustor; e) a mixing quality factor is introduced. The impact of the completeness of mixing, composition and temperature of the gas on the quantity of nitrogen oxides along the length of the flame tube, the NO emission index  and the non-uniformity of the temperature field in the output section is assessed. The updated method of calculation is illustrated by the low- emission aviation turbine engine combustor.

About the authors

A. A. Didenko

Samara State Aerospace University

Author for correspondence.
Email: Didenko@ssau.ru

Candidate of Science (Engineering)

Associate Professor of the Department of Heat Engineering and Heat Engines

Russian Federation

A. B. Sokolov

Samara State Aerospace University

Email: SokolovAB63@yandex.ru


Russian Federation


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