Verification of a complex of mathematical models of aerodynamics and dynamics of Savonius rotor motion

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The paper presents the main stages of verification of a complex of mathematical models of aerodynamics and dynamics of a Savonius rotor motion based on the discrete vortex method. The results of calculations are compared with the data of experiments conducted by others authors.

About the authors

D. A. Sizov

Syzran branch of Samara State Technical University

Author for correspondence.

Senior Lecturer of the Technical Mechanics Department

Russian Federation

Yu. P. Onushkin

Syzran branch of Samara State Technical University


Candidate of Technical Science

Associate Professor of the Technical Mechanics Department

Russian Federation

O. A. Krasnova

Syzran branch of Samara State Technical University


Lecturer of the Technical Mechanics Department

Russian Federation

O. T. Dzhanibekov

Kazan National Research Technical University


Head of Department

Russian Federation


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