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In the regional dynamics of retail trade turnover, the growth and development of
regional production are directly reflected, on the one hand, as well as a continuous rise in
the welfare and culture of the population on the other. It affects the quantitative and
qualitative indicators of the activities of trade organizations. Such indicators as profit,
income, profitability, circulation costs, wages, the number of trade workers, the level of
financial standing of organizations and enterprises depend on its structure and volume, etc.

About the authors

M. V. Goldobina

Department of Economics of Innovations, Samara National Research
University, 34, Moskovskoye shosse, Samara, 443086, Russian Federation.

Author for correspondence.
Email: morenov.sv@ssau.ru


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  4. 2009 № 381-FZ «On the fundamentals of state
  5. regulation of trading activities in the Russian Federation»
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  14. regional'nykh programm razvitiia torgovli" [The Order of
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  22. na territorii Samarskoi oblasti" [Law of the Samara
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  26. 2011 N 88 "O normativakh minimal'noi
  27. obespechennosti naseleniia Samarskoi oblasti
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  37. order of the Ministry of Economic Development,
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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files

Copyright (c) 2018 М. В. Голдобина

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