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Analysis of the practice in the studied criminal cases, as well as a survey of the main participants in the criminal proceedings showed that a significant number of violations of the current legislation, as well as mistakes made by lawyers in the implementation of protection of their principal, are committed due to both legal nihilism and due to insufficient knowledge of lawyers of such disciplines as criminal procedure and criminology. The article deals with the tactics of defense in criminal proceedings, as well as issues of attorney errors and abuse of the right by a lawyer in the implementation of protection. The article presents and analyzes the opinions of investigators and judges on what is the mistake of a lawyer and abuse of the right by a lawyer, obtained as a result of the survey. In addition, an attempt has been made to define the concepts of «defence tactics», «lawyer’s error» and «lawyer’s abuse».

About the authors

V. V. Konin

Department of Criminal Procedure Law, North-Western branch of the Russian State University of Justice (Saint-Petersburg)

Author for correspondence.
Email: grigorjewa.katerina@yandex.ru
Russian Federation


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