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The purpose of the study is to analyze the activities undertaken by non-government organizations of the Republic of Tatarstan in dealing with the re-socialization of persons released from prisons. The article summarizes outcomes of studies and the monitoring of the penal system along with the processes surrounding its practice. The analysis of re-socialization activities, carried out by non-governmental, as well as religious organizations, was performed based on particular sociological methods, such as: observation, interviews, surveys, as well as social simulation approach. Criminal and legal incentive measures to convicts to deprivation of liberty in the context of social rehabilitation scheme were investigated. The most common measure is the conditional early release, nevertheless, as practice shows, the institution of conditional early release has weakened its educational and incentive effect on persons sentenced to the deprivation of liberty. The conclusion reveals the level of effectiveness of the current model of participation of civil society institutes in the implementation of the penal policy’s focal points of action.

About the authors

R. N. Khalilov

Department of Criminal Law, Kazan Federal University

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation


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Copyright (c) 2018 Khalilov R.N.

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