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The article deals with rehabilitation as the purpose of criminal case after the death of the suspect (accused). The relevance of the study is determined by the need to protect the honor and good name of the deceased, to preserve a worthy relationship to it. Rehabilitation is considered by the author as one of the ways of such protection, in connection with which it is the sole purpose of the proceedings in the criminal case against the deceased. The topic is revealed through the analysis of the content of rehabilitation institute. The author comes to the conclusion that for a deceased, rehabilitation consists in recognizing him as innocent of the commission of a crime, by adopting an appropriate criminal procedural act (verdict, resolution, determination). The legal consequence of such recognition is the emergence of close relatives of the deceased or other interested persons of the right to seek the restoration of a good name and a good memory of the deceased, as well as the right to seek redress for harm caused by unlawful and unreasonable criminal prosecution of the deceased.

About the authors

Ju. O. Meshcheryakova

Department of Criminal Law and Procedure, Togliatti State University

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation


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