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The article presents a comparative legal analysis of a number of norms of the North Korean and Russian criminal legislation regulating early release from serving a sentence. The types of early release from serving the sentence and their content are considered, as well as some features of the North Korean criminal law regulation are revealed. Articles of the Criminal Code of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea containing the aspects under consideration are structurally included in the Chapter of «Punishment», in particular: special pardon and amnesty (Article 54); reduction of sentence and early release (Article 55); legal status of the person who has served the sentence (Article 56). Special attention is paid to the application of amnesty, pardon, as well as early release from serving a sentence based on the good behavior of the convicted person. In addition, the North Korean system of criminal penalties is shown. The author’s version of Article 54 of the Criminal Code of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea «Special pardon and amnesty» is formulated.

About the authors

A. P. Skiba

Department of the Criminal Executive Law, Academy of Law Management of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia

Author for correspondence.
Email: grigorjewa.katerina@yandex.ru
Russian Federation

A. V. Kovsh

Department of American Studies, Saint Petersburg State University

Email: grigorjewa.katerina@yandex.ru
Russian Federation

A. N. Myakhanova

Department of Criminal Law and Criminology, Buryat State University

Email: grigorjewa.katerina@yandex.ru
Russian Federation


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Copyright (c) 2019 Skiba A.P., Kovsh A.V., Myakhanova A.N.

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