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The procedural law uses the term “confl icting judicial acts” (Article 130 of the APC of the Russian Federation) in order to counteract the adoption of decisions by various arbitration courts that would compete with each other. However, this concept is not disclosed by law, in this connection, should be developed signs and criteria of acts in respect of which it would be possible to establish their contradictory nature. The qualification acts as contradictory involves an appeal to reasons for the adoption of competing solutions. Also, conflicting judicial acts are considered by the law through the prism of overcoming the risk of their adoption. The author analyzes the content and stages of the corresponding risk. Significant features of the qualification of judicial acts as contradicting each other are the interrelated nature of the cases, the time period of the existence of acts, the unevenness in the consideration of related cases. The author qualifies a sign of inconsistency of judicial acts as an external, formal sign, because even the corresponding judicial acts do not mean the acts are legal and justified.

About the authors

N. I. Popova

Department of Social Technologies and Law, Samara State Transport University

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation


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