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The novelty of the article is determined by the consideration in it of the ratio of measures of procedural coercion, interim measures of the arbitral tribunal, measures to secure a claim in civil proceedings and measures for the preliminary protection of administrative proceedings. The purpose of this comparative analysis is to determine the unity of their legal nature, the identification of identical and similar elements, the discovery of reasonable and unjustified industry specific differences. The tasks were the comparison of goals, methods, procedure, subject composition and other elements of the institutions of arbitration, civil procedural, administrative and criminal procedure. The central method of research was a comparative legal method. As a result of the study, the proximity of legal regulation of law-enforcement measures in arbitration, civil and administrative proceedings was revealed, and a significant difference in the criminal process. Unjustified differences in the subject composition of the initiators of the application of interim measures were discovered, and there was no possibility of counter provision in criminal proceedings. In conclusion, measures for the inter-process unification of the legal institution under consideration are proposed.

About the authors

A. R. Sharipova

Department of Criminal Law and Procedure, Bashkir State University

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation


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