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The article is devoted to the consideration of the constitutional principle providing the legal status of judges as irremovability. Subjected to analysis and critical evaluation of approaches of scientists to the definition of the structure elements, shown together with their ambiguity. Some problems of realization of the constitutional principle of irremovability of judges are touched upon. Special attention is paid to such element of this principle as the term of judicial powers (age limit). It is noted that the repeatedly changing position of the legislator on the determination of the terms of office of judges does not allow to give the principle of irremovability of judges the property of stability. The analysis of the researchers ‘ views on the specifics of the implementation of the principle of irremovability in respect of magistrates is carried out. The view of scientists on the need to bring the legislation on magistrates in line with the constitutional principle of irremovability of judges with a view to its uniform implementation is supported. The conclusion about the importance of the principle of the irremovability of judges as constitutional guarantees significant rights of man and of the citizen in judicial protection is made.

About the authors

I. A. Shcherbakova

Prosecutor’s office of Oktyabrsky district of Irkutsk

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation


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