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The article analyzes the problems of legal regulation of environmental entrepreneurship. There is no legal definition of «environmental entrepreneurship». This makes it very difficult to develop this sphere. There is no single approach in determining the industry of environmental entrepreneurship. There are no requirements for economic entities engaged in environmental activities. The concept of environmental entrepreneurship, requirements for subjects and objects of environmental protection were specified in the Model law on the basics of environmental entrepreneurship. These rules of law are largely outdated and should be revised. The author concludes that the consideration of environmental entrepreneurship through the prism of innovation. Innovations in the field of environmental technologies increase the competitiveness of individual economic entities and the country as a whole. The development of innovative, scientific and technical potential of environmental entrepreneurship is possible only with the state regulation of this sphere, strengthening of cooperation forms of interaction between business, government and research institutions.

About the authors

O. A. Serova

Department of Civil Law and Procedure, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation


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