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The crisis of criminal punishment, for which experts have been monitoring for about half a century, has actualized the search for a new model of a criminal-legal response to a crime. In the domestic law-making and law-enforcement practice, the answer to this urgent challenge is associated with the development, along with criminal punishment, of a parallel system of criminal law measures. Meanwhile, the theory in this part is still lagging behind the practical needs of crime prevention. One of the directions of its long-term development may be the idea of isolating in the series of criminal-legal measures of specific preventive measures that, while not being punished and retribution for fault, are aimed at meeting the specific needs of the person who committed the crime, the victim and society. Among such measures, measures of resocialization of convicts that can be applied, regardless of the age of the perpetrator, the gravity of the crime committed, along with and instead of punishment, can find a worthy place.

About the authors

Yu. E. Pudovochkin

Department of Criminal and Legal Studies, Russian State University of Justice

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation


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