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The article considers the measures which should be applied to a creditor in case of breach of creditor’s obligations. The author states that performance of creditor’s obligations is protected by civil-law sanction. The term «sanction» is comprehended by the author in a general sense and integrates penalties and other protection measures. Under the Civil Code of the RF compensation of losses can be applied to a creditor as a penalty, but other protection measures are applied to acreditor oftener (for example,onesided change of contract conditions by adebtor) because of subsidiary character of creditor’s obligations. At the same time, ensuring performance of such duties by civillaw sanctions emphasizes their importance for the proper performance of obligation and allows to make aconclusion that creditor’s obligations are an independent element of the content of the civil obligation and are not a part of acreditor’s right.

About the authors

E. A. Gurova

Department of Civil and Business Law, Samara National Research University

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation


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