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In the article author discusses about the current problems associated with the existence of the stage of initiation of criminal proceedings and practice of its application. The experience of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Ukraine on reforming this stage is examined. The author comes to the conclusion that the stage of initiation of criminal case can have several forms. In case when the initiator of criminal prosecution is the state the stage of criminal necessary and should be pre-tested. This stage is primarily to protect the rights of the suspect from unlawful and unjustified infringement of his rights. In those cases when the victim gives himself a statement to law enforcement authorities as, for example, when reporting the theft or fraud, stage of initiation of criminal proceedings needs to be simplified. In such situations the victim should be warned about criminal liability for false accusation and perjury and the statement shall immediately be subject to registration after which the investigator or the investigator performed a preliminary investigation.

About the authors

E. V. Marina

Department of Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics, Samara National Research University

Author for correspondence.
Email: grigorjewa.katerina@yandex.ru
Russian Federation


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Copyright (c) 2017 Marina E.V.

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