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This article examines the problems that arise in the course of an extradition audit, which is an
integral part of the procedure for extraditing persons for the purpose of prosecuting or executing
a sentence. The authors consider cases of violation of the individual’s rights to freedom and personal inviolability, the principle of legality in the proceedings, as well as the principle of legal
certainty. The article criticizes drafts of normative acts designed to improve the procedure for
issuing, proposals are made to change them. The article points out the inadmissibility of unlimited time for conducting an extradition audit, the duty of the prosecutor’s office to be guided when determining the content of the charge by official acts that formulate the charge against a person in accordance with the law. It also points out on the need for a legislative definition of such grounds for denial of extradition, as the person’s refugee status, taking into account the meaning of the Convention on the Status of Refugees. It is stated that it is necessary to pass a judgment in all cases of imprisonment at the time of the extradition. The relevance of the chosen topic is due to the presence of legislative gaps in the regulation of the extradition institution and the need for their immediate elimination.

About the authors

T. Yu. Markova

Department of Criminal Procedural Law, Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL)

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation

M. A. Yurkevich

master, Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL)

Russian Federation


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Copyright (c) 2017 Markova T.Y., Yurkevich M.A.

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