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One of the main vectors of modern development of Russian criminal procedure is the simplification of procedural forms. Its implementation takes place in rather difficult conditions: in the absence of theoretical certainty in matters of fact, the combination of performance criteria, scope and limits of simplification. However, there is another aspect that impedes this process – incoherence of realization of simplification of procedural forms, in which one procedure combine both General and more simple forms, and case from the production of any procedural action is considered as the simplified form. At present, the trend of simplification has not touched a trace of governmental action, although their production, for example, when an abbreviated form of inquiry, complicates the procedure attached to this form of inquiry combined character. It is proved that the procedure
of investigating governmental action is subject to improvement in the direction of simplification at the expense of internal resources, elimination of elements of the form, obsolete. With the simplification of the procedure of certain forms of pre-trial proceedings should make more use of the potential of other procedural actions aimed at obtaining evidences.

About the authors

O. V. Gladysheva

Department of the Criminal Process, Kuban State University

Author for correspondence.
Email: grigorjewa.katerina@yandex.ru
Russian Federation


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