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The article is devoted to the problem of today of application of 3-d technologies in the crimnal procedure of the Russian Federation. In the article the content of notions «modeling method» and «3-d modelling» is revealed. The authors come to the conclusion that simplicity and availiability of modern means of 3-d scanning and modelling allows to simulate events that can’t with sufficient completeness be reconstructed by an investigator and by an expert-criminalist. As an example we view situations of road accidents, computer crimes, legalization of money laundering et al. In the article foreign practice of the use of 3-d modelling in the investigation and considering criminal cases at court is analyzed. The authors come to the conclusion that in the countries of common law legislator admitted the presentation of evidences at court by means of 3-d models as not violating the adversarial principle and the principle of equality of parties. The authors of the article carried out analysis of modern means of 3-d scanning and modelling concerning their availiability and applicability for solving
problems of the criminal procedure. The obtained results allowed to come to the conclusion that existing software programs don’t allow to apply their results as independent forms of evidence on a criminal case. The conclusion is formulated that the use of 3-d modelling in the process of proving on criminal cases and their considering at court can be viewed as acceptable if consider that modelling is not an independent evidence but is used as a means of presentation of other evidences existing at court.

About the authors

Ruslan Anatolyevich Konygin

Third-year student at the Faculty of Law, Samara National Research University

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation

Lyubov Alexandrovna Shestakova

Department of Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics, Samara National Research University

Russian Federation


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Copyright (c) 2017 Konygin R.A., Shestakova L.A.

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