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The article is devoted to the analysis of legal foundations and

problems of organization of video surveillance in the premises of

the Department of Internal Affairs. The author pays special attention

on principles according to which the legal regulation of application

of video recordings made in the premises of the Internal Affairs

Office for the protection of rights of citizens is performed. The

difference between the violation of rights of citizens and their

restriction is carried out. On the basis of law enforcement practice

the loopholes in current Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian

Federation are identified. According to the results of the investigation

the conclusions about the necessity of introduction of changes and

amendments to the part 2 of the Article 84 and part 6 of the

Article 190 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian

Federation, as well as attachment to the attribution of materials of

photo- and video surveillance to the criminal evidences of the

imperative character are made.


About the authors

G. G. Belkova

Samara National Research University

Author for correspondence.


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Copyright (c) 2017 Belkova G.G.

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