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Оn the basis of current legislation the author investigates and the

subject of ecological crime, formes its new concept. A new vision of

contents and characteristics of ecological crime through separate

environmental components and their parts is suggested.


About the authors

A. S. Lukomskaya

Udmurt State University

Author for correspondence.


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  2. Interparliamentary Assembly of the CIS Member Nations) [in Russian].
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  4. «Konstitutsiia Rossiiskoi Federatsii» (priniata vsenarodnym golosovaniem 12 dekabria 1993) (s uchetom popravok, vnesennykh Zakonami RF o popravkakh k Konstitutsii RF ot 30 dekabria 2008 N 6-FKZ, ot 30 dekabria 2008 N 7-FKZ, ot 05 fevralia 2014 N 2-FKZ, ot 21 iiulia 2014 N 11-FKZ) [«The Constitution of the Russian Federation (adopted by popular vote December 12, 1993) (taking into account the amendments introduced by Laws of the Russian Federation about amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation dated 30 December 2008 № 6-FKZ, dated 30 December, 2008 № 7-FKZ, dated February 05, 2014 № 2-FKZ, dated 21 July 2014 № 11-FKZ)] [in Russian].
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  20. Federation dated July 30, № 195 «On approval of the Classification of reserves and prognostic resources of drinking, technical and mineral underground waters» (Registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation September 03, 2007 № 10092)] [in Russian].
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Copyright (c) 2016 Lukomskaya A.S.

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