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The article deals with the semantic load of the concept of «Terrorism», identifies the main schemes that reveal its meaning. Terrorism is understood as illegitimate, targeted violence used to spread fear and terror among civilians in order to achieve political goals by certain forces. Terrorist activities are a kind of dialogue between terrorist groups and the authorities. The communicative component of terrorist activities determines the important role of media in presenting the image of an event.
During the analysis of the corpus of factual material in German, the hypothesis of possibility of creating a universal cognitive model of the concept «Terrorism», built on the principle of the nominative field, was tested. The obligatory and secondary components of the scenario of the event characteristic for the investigated concept were revealed. The mandatory components include direct participants, namely the opposing subjects (terrorists – authorities) and the object (victims) of terrorist activity, their actions, the result and spatial and temporal localization of the event. Secondary elements include indirect participants in the event and their actions, purpose, means, circumstances and assessment of terrorist activities.
As a result of the analysis of nominative units of various lexical and semantic groups, verbalizing the mandatory structural components of the concept of «Terrorism» in the Internet portals of Germany, the following conclusions were made. Lexical and semantic means of expression of the concept «Terrorism» can be grouped by similar semantic features and arranged hierarchically. Their system is open and dynamic. Lexical and syntactic units of different levels (from words to sentences) serve to create an image of the event in news reports about terrorist attacks.

About the authors

M. Yu. Kukhareva

Samara National Research University

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-7045-4310

postgraduate student, Department of German Philology


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