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The article discusses the problem of how the interrelation between the institutions of labor and education in European culture has changed. Also, the author analyses what kind of labor and education conceptualizations existed in European philosophical and pedagogical thoughts. She shows that labor and education are closely related in their historical development, and the ideas of labor and education, representing these cultural phenomena, expressed this connection in different ways in different periods of the European culture. According to her the Greek antiquity was characterized by opposing the institution of labor and education because the conceptualization of labor provided the opposition of the material/productive labor and contemplative one, which was cultivating the soul. During the Middle Ages, while maintaining the low status of material / productive labor, also changed the meaning of contemplative labor, which was filled with religious content. Author proves that in the New Age along with the existing labor institute an education institute appeared, which included the professional education institute. The further development of modern society led to the emergence of the so-called «work society», which was characterized by the deep connection between the institute of labor and of education one. The education institute was a preparation for the profession in the «work society» (U. Beck). Author highlighted the reasons of transformations in the field of labor that identified by the metaphor of the «death of work» in the 60-ies and 70-ies of the last century. Furthermore, the author shows the reasons of the radical changing the phenomenon of labor in the potscapitalist and postsocialist digital society. These reasons cause the rupture of the direct link between the institute of labor and education one, as well as the further expansion and growth of distance education.

About the authors

L. B. Chetyrova

Samara National Research University

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-7045-4310

Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, professor, Department of Philosophy


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