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Specific features of medicalisation within modern English internet advertising space are considered in this paper. Medicine adverts and commercials hosted on one of the most popular English public websites are of particular interest in this research project. Both innovations in medicine leading to the medical knowledge upgrade and the increasing role of medical product advertising activities motivated the present study. Medicalisation in mass-media discourse is characterized by popularization of various medical commercials enduing general public with the medical language and medical mindset. The specific objective of this study is to reveal and systematize factors providing aforenamed tendency to medicalisation of modern English internet advertising. The empirical study is based upon the modern medicine commercials from YouTube.com and includes such methods as data collection and analysis, description and classification of material accompanied by discourse analysis. The most remarkable result to emerge from the data is that pharmaceutical and healthcare service commercials are very popular today due to social needs and requirements and consequently supported by the British authorities aiming to emphasize the importance of health and indicate possible ways and means of health maintenance. Another important finding is that celebrities’ and politicians’ participation in medicine advertising is contributing a lot to the success and commercialization of the medical items. Further analysis showed that the authors of commercial video clips are trying to highlight human values applying various verbal and non-verbal means to increase the perlocutionary effect. Positive and negative comments on commercial videos aimed at focusing upon the effect of medical products contribute to expanding pragmatic potential of the internet advertising. The growing trend to popularization of health product is also supported by the findings of the research project intended to describe English medical linguistic markers registered in mass-media discourse under analysis.

About the authors

A. A. Golubykh

Samara National Research University

Author for correspondence.
Email: morenov@ssau.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-1724-6931

postgraduate student of the Department of English Philology


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