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The article presents an analysis of regional historiography, which contains evaluation of activity of leaders of Simbirsk, Saratov and Samara City Dumas in the second half of XIX – early XX centuries. Stages in the study of this problem were revealed, it was found that during the Soviet period the history of municipal government was not practically been studied. Meanwhile, City Dumas and their leaders made a great contribution to the development of economic potential of cities of the Russian Empire. Analysis of legislation of
the Russian Empress Catherine II, City Regulations of 1870, City Regulations of 1892 allowed to reveal changes in the legal status of the heads of city councils – their functions and competencies. The article noted the shift of powers of the mayor in connection with the adoption of City Regulations of 1870, 1892. Efficient use of urban self-government depended on the professionalism, personal qualities and the authority of the mayor. In this regard, attention is drawn to the need to create a socio-cultural portrait of the mayor of the provincial cities of the Volga Region.

About the authors

Yu. V. Arapova

Samara National Research University

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-1825-0097
Russian Federation


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