Vol 25, No 4 (2019)

Full Issue


Kabytov P.S., Leontieva O.B.


The authors aimed to reveal the role of historians of Samara (Kuibyshev) University in the training of highly qualified scientists in the field of historical sciences (candidates and doctors of historical sciences) for higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation and the Samara Region. The formation of a system of training highly qualified scientists at Samara university is traced in the context of large-scale changes in Russian historical science, which affected the choice of subjects and methodology of theses, as well as the establishing of international scientific relations. The study is based on the materials from reports on the activities of Samara State University, reference and anniversary editions, as well as on ego-sources, i.e., on memoirs and interviews with university professors. The authors examine the formation of the teaching staff of historical departments, highlight the key stages in the development of postgraduate school and doctorate at the university, the creation and reprofiling of the dissertation council on history. The article contains the data on the dynamics of defenses of the candidate and doctoral theses in history at the Dissertation Council of Samara (Kuibyshev) University. The authors identify the main areas of training of scientists, characterize the scientific schools that were formed at the historical faculty of Samara University and have received recognition from the Russian scientific community. Based on the study, the authors identify the most important stages in the training of highly qualified scientists and the main generations of historians at Samara (Kuibyshev) University from the 1970-ies to the present.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2019;25(4):7-22
pages 7-22 views


Simonova E.V., Bilenko N.A.


The article is devoted to the analysis of the dynamics of the number of artisans, the definition of their representation among the urban population of the Tula province in the second half of the XIX – early XX century. on the basis of statistical and record-keeping sources using quantitative and qualitative data analysis, historical-genetic and historical-system methods. The tendencies of development of provincial craft in the conditions of modernization processes and government policy are shown. The contradictory essence of the shop system, on the one hand supporting the members of the craft corporation and at the same time limiting the process of expansion of the layer of entrepreneurs, is considered. The branching of the spectrum of handicraft specialties and the emergence of new ones in the post-reform period testified to the increase in the household needs of citizens, the production of everyday goods. In the cities of Tula province, the craft was engaged in the first half of the XIX century 1–4 % of citizens, by the beginning of the XX century. – already 7–10 %, during the First World War – more (this situation was due to the fact that the craft was engaged in many citizens to support the family). It is established that more citizens were employed in the craft than in a few industrial enterprises.

The authors concluded that the slow increase in the urban population and with small fluctuations in the increase of artisans while maintaining the guild and craft corporation, competition from industrial enterprises gave a certain stability to the local commodity market. Small-scale handicraft production focused on meeting local needs, the expansion of specializations contributed to the "accumulation" of the urban lifestyle, the development of urbanization.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2019;25(4):23-31
pages 23-31 views


Serykh A.A.


This article is devoted to the opening of the main social–cultural types which were formulated in the diaries’ notes of professor M. M. Bogoslovsky from Moscow Imperial University. The specific characters of each of the social group which were marked out by the historian are defined in this item. In Bogoslovsky opinion, the base of the Russian society in 1917 is «Russian nation», which is divided into three social categories: peasants, workers and soldiers. The link between the generalized notion “Russian nation” and Bogoslovsky’s professional views is revealed.

The next important social – cultural image for the historian is intelligentsia and Bogoslovsky’s attitude to it is controversial because of its disunity. In the situation of the social – cultural crisis in 1917 a new social group – revolutionaries – takes a special place. In this article Bogoslovsky’s attitude to this social group is revealed as well as his professional view on the concept “revolution”. The wreath of the social structure of the society in Bogoslovsky’s opinion is monarchy. At the beginning of the 20th century Russian monarchy has remained very specific, the historian remarked regretfully the incompleteness of social cultural conversions, which, to his mind, must have taken place in the society under the rule of the monarch.

Through the analysis of the diaries’ notes there was made an attempt to identify and analyze the unified social – cultural model of Russian society, formulated by Bogoslovsky.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2019;25(4):32-41
pages 32-41 views


Leonov M.I.


The study of the Russian multi-party system was laid by the 1990 conference held in 1990 at the Institute of Marxism-Leninism, the most important points of it can be considered the 2003 conference at the Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences in November and the international round table «Russian multi-party system and Russian crises of the XX–XXI centuries» (Moscow, March 27, 2015). At first, the main systemic principles of a multi-party system were called integrity, structurality, hierarchy; conditionality of the development of the system by its relations with the environment, and the folding of the system of political parties was dated from the end of 1905 – the beginning of 1906. It was believed that parties expressed the interests of certain social group classes and were associated with the masses. Subsequently, the researchers came to the conclusion that there were no purely class parties either in terms of their social composition or social groups and strata, whose interests were declared in programs and slogans; and a characteristic feature of the Russian multi-party system was that its creator and main character was the intelligentsia. Subsequently, a number of authors insisted on the purely intellectual essence of domestic parties, calling the Russian multi-party system a myth; most authors, noting the leading role of the intelligentsia in the organization and functioning of parties, were associated with certain masses. In general, the Russian multi-party system was significantly different from the multi-party system of developed countries.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2019;25(4):42-46
pages 42-46 views


Kobozeva Z.M., Alekseenko E.V.


The article analyzes one of the vectors of transformation of the urban estate of pre-revolutionary Russia, petty borgouise into new social strata of Soviet society through the texts of everyday behavior of citizens in the era of the turn of state policy to materialism in the mid – 1930-ies, which occurred in connection with the need for industrialization and obtaining funds for it. The article analyzes the contamination of concepts: petty-bourgeois as the name of the urban class and petty-bourgeois as a qualitative characteristic of the soul, that is, an ethical category. Following the logic of historical construction «from below», the daily practices of the urban population, formed by the activities of the branches of Torgsin in Samara, which can be defined as «petty-bourgeois», are studied. The micro-level approach is used to show how in a particular historical phenomenon, in particular, in the activities of Torgsin, there is a return to the usual practices of urban trade, the associated practices of deception, speculation, as in Soviet everyday life begins its «historical destiny» the word «blat», as the government forces the little man of the city to get comfort, using loopholes such as parcels and transfers from abroad or the surrender of family heirlooms. Anecdotal and literary everyday life lies in such a micro-event, as a broken ceiling of the store, from which you can steal the goods. But the seriousness of the crime, as well as the scale of the historical fact- is only one more facet of historical research, in whose «lens» should include both institutional events and the smallest behavioral practices.

The sources of this work are archival documents from the funds of TSGASO.

The aim of the study is to study the peculiarities of transformation of the social petty-bourgeois everyday life of the Russian provincial city in the first years of the Soviet power, in particular, in the situation of influence on the urban daily life of practices caused by the establishment of Torgsin.

It is concluded that in a situation where «from above» there was a temporary retreat from socialist construction towards the admission of «petty-bourgeois» texts of behavior into the daily life of Soviet people, "from below" the former petty-bourgeois commercial environment of the city began to use this situation to make its everyday world more comfortable, which in the mythology of the new socialist ethics was called «meschanstvo» and «obyvatel’schina».

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2019;25(4):47-54
pages 47-54 views


Romanova G.A., Trifonova V.V., Romanov N.N.


In the recent years, historical science has increased interest in anthropological, social, cultural aspects of the war in general, the Great Patriotic War - in particular.

The existential experience of man in war is a topic that allows researchers to look at the history of war from the standpoint of the humanitarian component. The article notes the role of diaries as sources of information about personal experiences, which after a certain understanding become an existential experience. The uniqueness of diary entries, which differ from other sources of personal origin - memories and front-line letters, is pointed out. First, they capture the momentary perception of events, undistorted by time; secondly, they accurately convey the atmosphere of the era through the description of life, nature, minutes of rest. The conclusion is made about the huge potential of front-line diaries as sources of studying the events of the Great Patriotic War.

The article analyzes the existential experience of Lieutenant Z.S. Rudnitsky, generated by the extreme conditions of the war. The source of the study was the front diary of Z.S. Rudnitsky, previously unknown to researchers. The influence of the emotions experienced, the situation of mortal danger, the immediate environment on the formation of the identity of the officer of the Red Army and his fate is considered.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2019;25(4):55-61
pages 55-61 views


Beltser A.A.


The article describes the ways of aristocratic influence on the local government. The problem of the early modern times state formation is closely related to the issue of changes in the relations between the central authority in the person of the monarch and his entourage and existing elites, especially regional ones. The influence on the local administration work is traditionally considered one of the most important characteristics of the nobility of the late Middle Ages. For example, Thomas, Baron Dacre (Northern Branch), one of the influential border barons, and his son and heir, William, were selected. For several decades, they played a leading role in the region. From the contemporaries and descendants’ point of view the shires, bordering Scotland were taken the stronghold of the rebellious nobility. The research is based on the analysis of the first Tudors era state papers: correspondence, royal patents and letters. For several decades, the Dacres themselves were one of the border shires magistrates. They took an active part in the work of the commission of the peace, proposed candidates for inclusion in the justices of peace. The Cumberland peace commission, where the main possessions of the barons were, included a significant number of their relatives and servants. In Northumberland, where the Dacres recently acquired property, they were not able to influence immensely the composition of the magistrates. While Thomas Dacre, as the Warden of the Middle and East Border Marches, took an active part in the work of the peace commission not only of Cumberland, but also of Northumberland, William Dacre focused exclusively on activities as part of the Cumberland magistrates. In the activities of the justices of Northumberland, he did not take such a lively part.


Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2019;25(4):62-66
pages 62-66 views


Melnik N.M., Nesterenko V.M.


The article examines the problem of convertibility of human potential created in the process of obtaining higher education into human capital, ensuring high rates of innovative growth of a competitive national economy. The necessity and possibility of formation of intellectual-informational support for the co-evolution of human potential and human capital in an innovative economy are proved. It is argued that the co-evolution of human potential and human capital is ensured by the ability of a specialist to interact with a rapidly changing real professional environment in real time in order to create an innovative product. The concept of creating intellectual-informational support for the co-evolution of human potential and human capital is proposed and mathematically justified. As a result of the implementation of the developed system, the task of preparing a university graduate for self-realization in future professional activities is solved.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2019;25(4):67-72
pages 67-72 views


Savelev A.I.


The article considers the problem of military-professional training of cadets – military pilots in a military aviation university, which forms a readiness for practical activities. The relevance of the study is due to the needs of modernization of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in the current external and internal conditions of life of the state. The military-professional activity of cadets-military pilots is considered as a process of solving professional tasks that ensure the readiness of aviation units to ensure the military security of the country.

The significance of the command-methodological activity in the structure of the military-professional activity of an officer is revealed. Based on the activity approach, team and methodological tasks in the content of military-professional activity are determined, the leading role of command-methodological activity is proved. On the basis of the functional approach and the principle of identification, the functions of command-methodological activities are determined: military-flight, organizational-managerial and educational.

Arguments are given regarding the command-methodological competence of cadets-military pilots during their training at a military aviation university. The specificity and peculiarity of the military-professional activity of cadets – military pilots is specified.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2019;25(4):73-78
pages 73-78 views


Troitskaya Y.V.


The article considers communication mobility as a characteristic which significantly affects the development of professional competence. The author analyses the meaning of the term «professional competence», proves that it is important to develop universal (generic) competences, allocates communication mobility in the system of generic competences. On the basis of labour market analysis the author concludes on the need to develop communication mobility as a component of professional competence. Communication mobility is described as verbal mobility connected to mental mobility. It is based on speaking skills and the ability to respond in a flexible way, to perceive and analyze interlocutor’s utterance quickly, to communicate in accordance with the context. The indicators of communication mobility are responsiveness, flexibility, critical thinking and reasoning, ambiguity tolerance, social tolerance and emotional self-control. The author gives recommendations on the methodology of communication mobility development. The research methods applied in the paper are the following: analysis and synthesis of the information presented in scientific papers of Russian and foreign researchers, content analysis of educational standards, functional and semantic analysis of terms («mobility», «communication mobility», «professional competence», «communication competence»). The results of the analysis can be used in the system of higher education to develop academic programmes and assessment tools. The article is targeted at the researchers involved in solving the problems connected with professional competence, communication competence and communication mobility, as well as university lecturers and specialists dealing with optimization and adaptation of training content and teaching methodology to labour market needs.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2019;25(4):79-84
pages 79-84 views


Khramtsov Y.B.


The paper deals with the problem of professional activity successfulness conditioned by genetic, intellectual and emotional characteristics of an individual. Its foundation of specialists’ productive activity is proved relying on B.M. Teplov’s point of view about giftedness «as a combination of abilities unique in qualities». Internal and external conditions are distinguished as professional giftedness factors. For defining the structure of the lawyer professional giftedness the principle of the giftedness and consciousness structures correlation is applied based on the principle of the consciousness and activity unity. The attention to the quality of maintenance of the students’ (future lawyers) professional giftedness development process is paid. The necessity for university lecturers’ preparedness to the students’ professional giftedness development is noted. The necessity demands integration of the forms and methods of educational and non-educational activity. The sample data is justified by the legal profession difficulties that require psychophysical efforts and tension for achieving aims and emotional stability to negative facts. The attempt to clarify the meaning of professional activity of a lawyer conditioned by the determinate relation to the world, the type of existence, which defines the essence of activity, is made.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2019;25(4):85-90
pages 85-90 views


Rodina L.I.


The inclusion of people with disabilities in the education process at educational institutions is a new task for the Russian educational system. The implementation of the inclusive education system at the university is based on the principle of “equal and different” and actualizes the concept of “accessibility quality”. The essence of inclusive education is expressed by teaching disabled students together with other students in accordance with general educational standards, requirements for the process, content and quality.

Nowadays, educational system faces some problems as the development of conditionals for the teaching students with disabilities. The educational process should be accessible and conducted at a high level. Creation an accessible environment is a requirement for institutions of higher education.

The article discusses theoretical and practical aspects of staffing for inclusive education: the process of inclusion is considered as an integrator to improve social and labor relations in the social context of the education development. Regulatory aspect of inclusive education and staffing system for inclusive processes are discussed in the article.

As the result, the inclusive, pedagogical and social effectiveness of measures to develop a staffing system in the inclusive education implementation are analyzed.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2019;25(4):91-99
pages 91-99 views


Malyuga E.N.


The article highlights three key syntactic characteristics of advertising discourse, analyzed on the basis of English-language advertising texts of non-specific thematic affiliation: the predominance of a certain type of sentences, commitment towards syntactic compression and a specific composition of arguments, as well as the inherent use of syntactic rhetorical techniques. The specifics of the syntactic design of advertising texts is studied using structural, stylistic and pragmatic methods of analysis with the aim of describing the compositional syntactic construction of advertising messages and characterizing the corresponding peculiarities of the way advertising information is being perceived by a potential consumer. The findings of the study summarize the set of syntactic characteristics of advertising text design: 1) the success of the advertising discourse depends not only on the correct selection of words, but also on the syntactic organization of the advertising text; 2) although all types of sentences are present in the English-language advertising discourse, imperative sentences are the most common and pragmatically effective; 3) an advertising message is better perceived and memorized when it is constructed as a short text subject to syntactic compression; 4) advertising text efficiency depends on the positioning of the arguments in its syntactic structure, and the most effective model is where the key argument is located in the heading, the evidence argument is placed in the main text, and the generalizing argument is exposed in the echo phrase; 5) syntactic rhetorical tropes are an important advertising tool, since they are more memorable and can attract the attention of a potential consumer, adding an element of surprise and creating a more positive attitude towards the product as a whole; 6) English advertising texts typically contain such syntactic tropes as ellipsis, parallel constructions, inversion, parcellation, antimetabole, and rhetorical questions.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2019;25(4):100-105
pages 100-105 views


Safonova M.A.


The article probes the stylistic and intertextual features of H.H. Munro’s (Saki’s) novel «The Unbearable Bassington» (1912), which has not yet been considered from the linguistic point of view The relevance of the research is conditioned by the fact that most of his texts have not been translated into Russian, and by the writer’s interest in Russian history and culture, which makes his work essential in terms of intercultural communication.

The purpose of the paper is three-fold: to reveal the type of lexical connotations prevalent in the text; to analyze the means of expressive syntax used in the novel; and finally, to comment on the links the text demonstrates in relation to the social, historical and aesthetic realia of the Edwardian epoch.

The research is based on the findings of international scholars on the work of H.H. Munro and other authors of the early 20th century (A.J. Langguth, S. Byrne, G.J. Spears, B. Gibson, L.M. Birden, J.S. Salemi, V.S. Pritchett, D. Trotter), and on connotative lexis and expressive syntax (O.S. Akhmanova, O.V. Alexandrova, M.Y. Blokh, G.A. Zolotova, L.V. Polubichenko).

Among the methods applied are linguostylistic and descriptive-analytical analyses, as well as linguostylistic stratification. The following lexical items in the text were investigated: formal and French lexis, proper names, quotations from other literary sources, words semantically pertaining to the topic ‘theatre’. In terms of minor syntax, marked word combinations in deformed proverbs and sayings were analyzed. The study of major syntax was focused on compound sentences with paratactic bonds describing banal, everyday situations.

The results showed that the social connotations found in formal vocabulary and French words prevail in the novel. The less frequent literary and mythological connotations are carried by proper names and quotations. It was established that a typical syntactic trait of the text is using extended compound or complex sentences where the subject and predicate are separated from each other by parentheses containing formal lexis. The text was divided into three “strata” where the marked units mentioned above are present in different proportions.

The article contains parallels with the texts of O. Wilde, R. Firbank, N. Coward, V. Sackville-West, H. James, E. Waugh, J. Conrad.

The results obtained are applicable to further research in linguostylistics, functional stylistics, semantics, and translation studies.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2019;25(4):106-115
pages 106-115 views


Cheporukhina M.G.


Linguists showed their interest in studying lexemes with negative meaning not so long ago, so there is no developed and unanimously accepted theory on means of negative assessment. Topicality of this study is also connected to the fact that communication over the last decades is marked with the growth of negative information.

The article provides an overview of theoretical literature on the stated problem terms. Applying definitional and etymological analysis, we distinguish the terms «dysphemism», «slang», «vulgarism» and «invective» which are considered to be synonymous or are not fully defined in some studies. The article also highlights the problem of distinction between dysphemism and euphemism, which are traditionally contrasted in terms of utterance. We underline that the context plays the crucial role in their distinction since the same lexical unit can carry both positive and negative connotations in different communication situations.

The theoretical statements of the article are illustrated with examples from the corpus of comments on political news in the Internet newspapers of France and Russia. The pragmatic approach is applied to the analysis of examples (the macro context is taken into account), since it proves to be effective in determining the communicative purpose of utterance and analyzing the evaluative elements.

Our study has shown that dysphemism is a means of negative evaluation in general. Slang and vulgarism can have dysphemistic meaning, while invective is a type of dysphemism with the main idea of expressing aggression.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2019;25(4):116-126
pages 116-126 views


Mironov M.V.


The article is devoted to the problem of translation of the word ‘‘brown’’ as a member of the lexico-semantic group ‘horse colour’. This study aims at comprehensive description of the semantics of the said word, supported with references to definitions from specialized literature on horse genetics. The article also describes the possible variants of translation of the word ‘brown’ into Russian, since there is no single equivalent. To achieve this goal, the word in question is analyzed with the use of an English and parallel Russian-English corpora. The degree of equivalence of the word ‘brown’ and its Russian counterparts is established through comparison of word definitions from different sources. This study is carried out with the use of the following methods: the method of continuous sampling for data collection from English and Russian corpora, the comparative method for establishing the degree of equivalence among horse colour names, the method of analysis for processing the results of the comparison, the method of synthesis for comprehensive description of the ways of translation of the word ‘brown’. The materials for this study include works on horse colour genetics, horse colour reference charts and encyclopedias. The examples are provided by the Russian National Corpus (parallel subcorpus) and the iWeb Corpus of the English language. Some examples have been processed without the use of a corpus, which is reflected in the inclusion of works of fiction to the reference list. This study adds new information to the available data on the word ‘brown’ as a horse colour name. The methodological novelty of this work is the use of the corpora to analyze a specific horse colour name and its representation in fiction.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2019;25(4):127-133
pages 127-133 views


Danilova N.K.


The article is devoted to the description and study of special structural formations in the discourse that differ from linear referential structures, intentional networks, the participation of which is necessary for the implementation of author's intentions. The intentional networks deprived of the nucleus serve as representations of the cognitive presentation plan, linking the reference basis of the presentation with the network structure that creates the conditions for regulating the processes of message understanding.

The material base of intentional networks is formed by language tools with non-descriptive semantics, the functional purpose of which is to pragmatically accentuate the fragments of the presentation that are most significant for the formation of meaning, and to create a “field of understanding” containing the necessary cognitive and communicative orientations for the participants to communicate.

The predominant interest in the processes of planning, production and understanding of speech acts in cognitive pragmatics highlights the problem of systematic conceptual knowledge models (individual and conventional), the presence of which is a condition of understanding. Less attention is paid to the systematic nature of language processes, which, in our opinion, is of primary interest to linguistics. The current state of knowledge requires further differentiation and differentiation in the discursive process of rigorous algorithmic procedures and flexible structures, which allow making changes to the strategic program implemented by the author of the text during the creation of the text.

The study of speech works makes it possible to distinguish structural formations of two types in them, linear and network structures. In contrast to the centralized sequence of propositions, the intentional network is created by many centers, the flexibility of the network elements is due to the multilayered subjective perspective, which has several levels of organization. The grammatical level is represented by the grammatical subject, the semantic (propositional) - by a certain type of agent, the cognitive - by the subject of reflection or perception. The communicative (pragmatic) level allows you to make a choice between the subject of speech (addressee), the addressee and the observer (external participant in communication). The network nodes use various combinations of perspectives, which creates unique opportunities for managing the processes of understanding in the conditions of remote comunication.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2019;25(4):134-139
pages 134-139 views


Temnikova N.Y.


The article is about the language of «The Amazon» by N.S. Leskov (1866), which belongs to a series of essays about «typical Russian female characters» according to its genre, to a series of tales according to its stylistic manner. Besides it is included in the «St. Petersburg text2 of Russian literature according to its motivational repertoire.

The basic unit of the analysis is a verbal artistic image as a semiotic and cognitive phenomenon. The image of the human world (in certain interpretations - social, material) was discussed in the text. It has been found that this image acquires the properties of an abstract language expressing diverse contents: subjective and objective, emotional and rational, subject-specific and symbolic-mythological etc. It is shown that the focus of the investigated image is crossed by semantic attributes belonging to different subject areas, which creates a multidimensional semantic space in which the reality reflected in the image undergoes an artistic transformation.

Our analysis revealed not only the communicative role of the image in the interconnection of author, text and reader, but also its poetic and aesthetic functions: through the crowded canvas created in the story, the «ominous outlines of the world of Brueghel and Bosch» – Lotman – are clearly visible, and ambivalence characters, creating a sense of the tragicomical absurdity of the universe, allows you to put Leskov on a par with such great Russian absurdists of the XIX century, as Gogol and Dostoevsky.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2019;25(4):140-148
pages 140-148 views


Dunaev A.E.


The paper deals with the actual issue of the historical stylistics of German – development of the nominal style in the Early New High German (XVth and XVIth centuries). The town chronicles as one of the most popular genres of the narrative prose from this period are used as study material. For the research, four chronicles of the German-language area from XVth and XVIth centuries have been chosen: these of Bern, Basel, Worms and Zürich. The purpose of article is to analyze different types of attributes with regard to their genre-specific function. First, an analysis of syntactic and semantic types of attributes in each chronicle is conducted with subsequent data comparison between each text and conclusions about stylistic and pragmatic factors of the use of attributes. For this, we used a sample of 1500 noun phrases chosen from the chronicles specified.

The action nouns realize their combinative potential most often. The most frequent attribute type is an attribute in Genitive, whereby some differences in its topology are discovered between the chronicles of the XVth century, on the one side, and the chronicles of the XVIth century, on the other. In the latters, the attributive genitive is more often placed after the main word. For all chronicles, only a small number of infinitives and participles in function of attribute are found, the number of noun phrases with several attributes is small, too. The percentage of noun phrases with attributes of the second and third dependency degree is not large either.

The research made allows a conclusion that the town chronicles have differed from the usage of official writing in respect to the volume and «depth» of a noun phrase. Differences between the chronicles of XVth and XVIth centuries are discovered only in some attribute types, whereas the general picture does not alter principally. The noun phrase in our texts should be characterized as a compact one. It may be explained with the unwillingness of authors to complicate the perception of their texts, for many official chronicles were read aloud. Complexity and informativeness characteristic for the official and early scientific texts seem to be expressed in chronicles at the level of the main sentence parts, but not at that of a noun phrase.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2019;25(4):149-155
pages 149-155 views


Romanova T.P.


The article is devoted to the study of Samara eventonyms – proper names of special events organized in the Samara Region: festivals, marathons, exhibitions, competitions and other cultural and sports events. Our research is built in the general vein of a sociological approach to linguistic reality, as well as taking into account the semiotic properties of event names when meaning special events. The purpose of our study is to identify verbal markers – brand identifiers of the territory (BIT components) based on the structural and semiotic analysis of the lexical composition of Samara event names, the presence of which allows us to consider the event’s proper names as a new information and communication resource that is significant for the formation and promotion of geo-location image. Verbal markers found in the proper names of special events establish a close mental connection with the conceptual core of a regional brand and its characteristics, transmitting stable associative meanings. The most common types of BIT components are the toponyms of the Samara Territory, memorial anthroponyms, names of value markers and symbolic symbols of the addressee, as well as nominations of well-known cultural events that are closely connected with the region. The analysis of proper names of special events in the aspect of geo-branding potential showed that over 50 % of Samara event names are BIT-labeled, and thus, entering into communication with the target audience, they make a certain contribution to the formation of the geo-location image.

The communicative capabilities of BIT-labeled proper names for special events can and should be purposefully used in the process of geo-branding communications. When designing new nominations, it is advisable to focus on the inclusion of the signs of the dominant region in them, so that BIT-labeled eventonyms become their permanent representatives and actively contribute to the formation of a holistic image concept of the Samara Region.


Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2019;25(4):156-161
pages 156-161 views


Golubykh A.A.


Specific features of medicalisation within modern English internet advertising space are considered in this paper. Medicine adverts and commercials hosted on one of the most popular English public websites are of particular interest in this research project. Both innovations in medicine leading to the medical knowledge upgrade and the increasing role of medical product advertising activities motivated the present study. Medicalisation in mass-media discourse is characterized by popularization of various medical commercials enduing general public with the medical language and medical mindset. The specific objective of this study is to reveal and systematize factors providing aforenamed tendency to medicalisation of modern English internet advertising. The empirical study is based upon the modern medicine commercials from YouTube.com and includes such methods as data collection and analysis, description and classification of material accompanied by discourse analysis. The most remarkable result to emerge from the data is that pharmaceutical and healthcare service commercials are very popular today due to social needs and requirements and consequently supported by the British authorities aiming to emphasize the importance of health and indicate possible ways and means of health maintenance. Another important finding is that celebrities’ and politicians’ participation in medicine advertising is contributing a lot to the success and commercialization of the medical items. Further analysis showed that the authors of commercial video clips are trying to highlight human values applying various verbal and non-verbal means to increase the perlocutionary effect. Positive and negative comments on commercial videos aimed at focusing upon the effect of medical products contribute to expanding pragmatic potential of the internet advertising. The growing trend to popularization of health product is also supported by the findings of the research project intended to describe English medical linguistic markers registered in mass-media discourse under analysis.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2019;25(4):162-169
pages 162-169 views


Dobroradnykh T.A.


The article deals with the specific characteristics of gerundial forms as polyfunctional units used in online mass media texts. Both the linguistic aspect of gerundial forms, including semantic, syntactical and stylistic features, and a cognitive discursive aspect of polyfunctional units use in mass media are studied.

The purpose of the study is a complex analysis for discovering systemic and functional characteristics of gerundial forms use in English mass media.

The material chosen for the research process is based on the mass media discourse presented in the format of online media texts of the British social and political newspapers and magazines (the Guardian, the Times, the Independent, the Economist, the Week, the Telegraph).

Following methods have been used as the methodological basis of the research due to its main purpose that deals with the linguistic and linguo-cognitive analysis of gerundial forms: sampling method, descriptive method, functional-stylistic analysis and contextual analysis.

Academic novelty of the paper is that polyfunctional units are studied from the point of view of discourse analysis and relations between linguistic units and cognitive-discursive factors.

As a result of the research it has been stated that functional features of gerundial forms contribute to discovering the systemic character of polyfunctionality.

In conclusion, it should be mentioned that mental propositional structures are objectively associated with the conceptual content of the gerund as a polyfunctional unit. The dynamic character of the above propositional structures is able to provide polyfunctional units verbalization in the format of either nominative or verbal structures.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2019;25(4):170-176
pages 170-176 views

Book Reviews


Shuvalov V.I.


The monograph devoted to the history and cultural development of the German Democratic Republic is evaluated. V. V. Nefedov's historical and cultural qualification is highly appreciated. A deep analysis of the problem is given. The monograph vividly illustrates the general culture of the countries of socialism.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2019;25(4):177-180
pages 177-180 views


Zakharova K.L.


In the review of the collection of documents prepared by the Candidate of Historical Sciences, corresponding member of the Academy of Military Sciences of the Russian Federation G.V. Mordvintsev, a comprehensive critical analysis of the presented publication was carried out.

It was concluded that the qualitative composition of the documents included in the collection reflects the objectives of the publication. The sources quite fully characterize the structure and competence of the Ufa Soviet of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies, reveal the main principles of its policy, the main directions and results of its activities and its relations with other actors of the political process. The publication also allows to determine the role and place of the Soviet in the revolutionary events of 1917 in Bashkortostan.

At the same time, the review noted the insufficient development of scientific and reference apparatus. The principle of selection of material and the archeographic processing degree of sources published in the collection by the author raise concerns. Another significant drawback is also almost a complete absence of author's comments on the content of published documents.

Despite the existing weaknesses, overall the publication prepared by G.V. Mordvintsev is evaluated positively. The peer-reviewed collection is a significant contribution to the development of the Russian historiography of the revolution of 1917 and allows to expand research issues.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2019;25(4):181-184
pages 181-184 views


Tyurin V.A., Leonov M.I.


The review is devoted to the analysis of the monograph by Kabytov P.S., Eliseev A.I., who carried out a scientific study of the biography and activities of the prominent administrator of the city of Kuibyshev – Alexei Andreevich Rosovsky, who made a great contribution to the development of the economic potential and sociocultural space of the administrative center of the Kuibyshev Region. The study of the activities of A.I. Rosovsky built through the prism of identifying traits of his character. The consideration of the most important stages in the biography of the town leader is organically combined with the study of his activities for the development of Kuibyshev in the 1960-ies – 1980-ies. The book has been prepared on an extensive source base, using the latest literature, and is a serious contribution to the study of the functioning problems of the elites of Soviet society in the second half of the 20th century.

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology. 2019;25(4):185-188
pages 185-188 views

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