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The article deals with the historical background of transition from informatization of education to its digitalization: from the stage of fragmentary application of information technologies in the educational process, the consolidation of tasks solved with their help, the development of e-learning, equipping universities with e-IOS and the use of its resources in educational activities to the stage of introduction of new digital technologies in the educational process. Theoretical analysis revealed the essence of the term «digitalization», established a list of significant digital technologies for the development of society (cloud, cognitive, big data technologies and the Internet of things), defined and systematized list of key digital competencies of modern specialists (skills of working with digital technologies, the ability to diverse and effective online communication, analytical skills, critical and flexible thinking, multitasking skills, integrated work in interprofessional teams).
Empirical data of the pilot study confirmed the need for the formation of digital competencies, changes in the content of training, equipping teachers with relevant knowledge, skills, competencies. Along with positive aspects of digitalization of education, the article presents possible negative changes in this area (loss of basic cognitive competencies, reduction of the general level of training, reduction of the need for an «intellectual» specialist, departure from the fundamental, redistribution of the functions of administration of universities and teachers, high requirements for the psychological qualities of the teacher, reduction of personal contacts, the growth of conflicts, «leakage» of talented youth and teachers abroad, reduction of the contingent of higher education, loss of the status of domestic higher education, reducing the number of students). The task of ensuring the quality of digital education and ways the actual pedagogical research (the digital model of the teacher; technology of development of digital educational content, methods of evaluation of its quality with ergonomic, health, psychological and pedagogical requirements; methods of monitoring of progress and the formation of educational outcomes in terms of the transfer of learning process to the global network; means of ensuring the quality of training, prevention of possible risks of its reduction) are actualized.

About the authors

N. B. Strekalova

Samara National Research University

Author for correspondence.
Email: morenov@ssau.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-7045-4310

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, associate professor of the Department of Theory and Methods of Vocational Education


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