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The article, based on the two-component model of the semantic invariant of verbal aspect, covers the interpretation of two grammatical phenomena: 1) type distribution of the passive expression methods and 2) variability of expression of the direct object that accompanies some transitive verbs. Further reference to the stated problem, that was long-term and widely discussed in terms of native and foreign aspectology of the Russian language, is justified in the particular research by the novelty of the angle approach to the position of the aspect in grammatical verb system. Observations of the aspect usage in the mentioned constructions convince that meaning relationship between the aspect and varied morphological and syntactical verb categories cannot be comprehensively revealed without taking into consideration the significance of the situational component of the aspect semantic structure. Thus, perfective verbs combined with another grammatical factors replace the meaning focus from action to situation or vice versa, define the character of the direct object etc. These particular accents clearly allocate the speech aspect through reflecting the passive – reciprocal forms of imperfective verbs or passive perfective participle, e.g.: The report is being presented by the student (not is presented!) – The report has been presented (not was presented!). The first example focuses on the process of reading, the second example presents the result, that can be observed after the situation (the perception of what was heard). Conversely, the imperfective aspect, representing the action separately from the situation, emphasizes its specific meanings – existential nature of the action, its qualification etc. – according to its grammatical conditions and its own lexical semantics. It is also stated that aspect juxtaposition in grammatical and semantic contexts implements in varied proportion another fundamental property – dynamic and static of the reality fragment depicted – that is accomplished by perfective and imperfective aspects respectively.
The following semantic research of verbal aspect from the syntagmatic point of view takes into consideration the relation of the action, that was expressed through each aspect, and the situational background that would let observe new perspectives and depths of the Russian language structure.

About the authors

S. A. Karpukhin

Samara National Research University

Author for correspondence.
Email: morenov@ssau.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-7045-4310

Doctor of Philological Sciences, professor of the Department of Russian Language and Mass Communication


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