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The article concerns the study of the English linguodidactic discourse that can be regarded as the specific kind of pedagogical discourse, which possesses peculiarities of its own, determined by its belonging to the certain subject area. Knowledge and education are analyzed as the key concepts of the discursive sphere in question. In linguodidactic discourse the concept of knowledge can be represented at the level of different formats, among which linguistic knowledge is of particular importance. The issue concerns with both theoretical basics of language and the corresponding culture learning as well as practical language skills acquisition. The study of linguodidactic discourse as part of pedagogical discourse seeks its investigation in terms of the concept of education, which is of vital importance within these lines. The conceptual formations under analysis can be represented in the English discourse by various terminological units, among which the most significant are «general knowledge», «knowledge of the world», «sociocultural knowledge», as well as «linguistic knowledge», «language knowledge», «knowledge of language», «knowledge of the language», and «linguistic education», «language education», respectively.

The semantic peculiarities of linguistic units in question are closely connected with the peculiarities of certain contexts that play an important role in the process of the linguistic meanings representation. In the course of investigation the dynamic character of the concepts under analysis is being manifested, which enables the researcher to analyze them as flexible conceptual structures, demonstrating dialectical unity between concept and notion as closely connected mental formations that tend to find representation on the level of language and speech in their close interaction. The dynamic character of the phenomena is to
a great extent determined by the qualities of cultural value and epistemological significance of the units under investigation.

About the authors

O. D. Vishnyakova

Lomonosov Moscow State University

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-7045-4310

Doctor of Philological Sciences, professor, professor of the Department
of English Linguistics, Philological Faculty

M. V. Klimanova

School with intensive study of English № 1375

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-1381-6992



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