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In the article contradictions between particularism of nobility on places and centralization aspirations of crown administration are considered. Ways of interaction of the governor with representatives of noble corporation come to light, the reasons of confrontation and negative estimates of identity of governors become clear. It is noted that despite pro-noble orientation and activity, the governor was often negatively estimated by the nobility as the representative of bureaucracy, the official alien to the interests of the province and corporation. It is shown that existence of dissociation between the power and society at the local level, distancing of the governor from local problems and conflicts with representatives of noble corporation promoted increase of estrangement and aggravated political situation in provinces. In this regard the nobility has acted as the opponent of the government project of provincial reform. For the characteristic of relationship of the power and society the structural functional analysis is used. In the article it is noted that events of the first Russian revolution became serious check on durability of the governor’s case, have shown the insufficient level of competence, organizing abilities and the authority of governors for the decision of political conflicts. The oppositional nature of I and II State Dumas has partially been connected with the fact that local authorities haven’t managed to realize government interests during the electoral companies. At the same time the motivation of actions of representatives of noble corporation believing that they have a priority in assessment of features of life of the Russian province comes to light. The comparative method has allowed to reveal general and special in estimates of representatives of the governor’s case. The case of historical sources is presented by memoirs of governors which analysis has allowed to explain administrative decisions of the author in difficult historical conditions. In the article scientific and significant tasks in which the specifics of relationship between representatives of the crown power – governors and bodies of noble class self-government – leaders of the nobility at the beginning of the XX century are considered are set and solved.

About the authors

E. P Barinova

Samara State University of Economics

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-7045-4310


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