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Education always responds to changes in society, and the teacher, in his turn, is its key figure. Society is changing, demands are changing. The teacher of the University is obliged to change, which requires continuous improvement both in the subject area and in the field of teaching methods, acquiring skills in information systems of educational process management. The relevance of the problem of clarifying the functions of professional activity of teachers of educational institutions of higher education is due to the need for rational allocation of time for quality performance of their work. The activity of university teachers in modern conditions is aimed at the training of competitive personnel, which requires significant intellectual, temporary efforts from these employees; readiness for effective social interaction with colleagues, students, partners; technological competence in solving problems in the information and educational environment and information management systems of the educational process associated with the organization of research, teaching, organizational, methodological and contact work.
The article presents the results obtained by the following research methods: analysis and synthesis of scientific information, professional standard «Teacher of professional training» and the draft of the professional standard «Scientist», the results of the research in the field of professional activity of teachers; generalization and systematization of scientific facts and provisions; survey of teachers of educational organizations (monographic sample was 20 people).
Experimental work was to determine the time spent on the functions of the teaching staff of educational institutions of higher education, to determine the importance of each of the selected functions and to assess the satisfaction of teachers from the results of their functions.

About the authors

A. M. Sanko

Samara National Research University

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-7045-4310

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, associate professor of the Department of Theory and Methods of Professional Education


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