Modeling the motion of a spherical drop into a laminarboundary layer using Ansys Fluent

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The article provides a formulation to the problem of spherical drop motion into laminar boundary layer over a flat semi-infinite plate (Blasius problem). The paper presents the solution in the package Ansys Fluent without taking into account deformation and rotation of drops. The article describes building of geometric area, construction of the grid models, boundary and initial conditions statement, methods of solution, course of computation. The article describes the examples of problem solving for various initial conditions of a drop, compares the results obtained using different methods. There is good agreement between the results. A combination of different methods for solving similar problems is the guarantee of a successful solution.

About the authors

Yu.A. Kryukov

Samara State University

Author for correspondence.


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Copyright (c) 2015 Kryukov Y.

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