Development of discrete pneumatic pressure regulator and researching of its characteristics

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In the paper, software for digital control of gas pressure in a vessel is developed to increase process quality and accuracy. Operating principal is based on stepped variation of a throttle area at the vessel output (or/and input) using pulse code modulation. The control device is made as set of parallel on-off valves. Flow areas of the valves can be presented by binary dependencies of the smallest cross-section or by the Fibonacci series. The number of valves depends on control process accuracy. Simulation results show a good correlation with experimentally obtained data proving efficiency of the proposed control strategy to providing high accuracy and proper quality of transients.

About the authors

P. I. Greshniakov

Samara State Aerospace University

Author for correspondence.

Post-graduate Student, Engineer of the Department of Control Systems of Power Units

Russian Federation

A. F. Sinyakov

Samara State Aerospace University


Post-graduate Student, Researcher of the Department of Control Systems of Power Units

Russian Federation

V. N. Ilukhin

Samara State Aerospace University


Candidate of Technical Sciences

Associate Professors of the Department of Control Systems of Power Units

Russian Federation


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