Finite element techniques for pipe system vibroacoustical characteristics modelling

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The paper presents techniques of finite-element modeling of pipeline vibroacoustic characteristics in case of pipelines being loaded with a pulsating fluid flow. The first technique is designed for a pipeline with the centre line lying in one plane and is based on using seven-node finite elements. The technique of modeling pipelines of a complex space configuration with the centre line not lying in one plane allows for the use of linear finite elements. The techniques are realized in software and they mean considerable reduction of computational costs as compared to previously existing ones. The results of modeling are compared with the experimental data and their convergence is assessed.

About the authors

T. B. Mironova

Samara State Aerospace University

Author for correspondence.

Candidate of Technical Sciences

Assistant of the Department of Automatic Systems of Power Plants

Russian Federation

A. B. Prokofiev

Samara State Aerospace University


Doctor of Technical Sciences

Professor of the Department of Automatic Systems of Power Plants

Russian Federation

V. P. Shorin

Samara State Aerospace University


Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of
Technical Sciences

Professor of the Department of Automatic Systems of Power Plants

Russian Federation


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