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The article examines the regulation of corporate management issues approved for limited liability companies with the disclosure of aspects that can be solved uniformly (the structure of governing bodies, etc.) or variably. Special attention is paid to the analysis of model provisions regarding the way of confirming the decision at the general meeting of participants (the author positively assesses the approval either by notarization, or by signing the protocol by society participants who participated in the meeting), as well as schemes for managing the current activities of the company, including the plurality of persons performing the functions of the sole executive body. Finally, the author, casting doubt on the correctness of the qualification of the typical statute as a constituent (internal) document of the organization, justifies that the voluntary following the rules of the typical statute does not lead to an absolute rejection of local rulemaking.

About the authors

Yu. S. Povarov

Department of Civil and Business Law, Samara National Research University

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation


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