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In the article a retrospective analysis of the development of the Russian judicial system is presented. The main legislative innovations in the criminal and civil court system are considered: the emergence of appeal and cassation courts of general jurisdiction, Court of intellectual property rights, the abolition of the Supreme Arbitration Court of Russia. On the basis of studied legislation in recent years assumptions were made about the future directions of judicial reform. Thus, the increasing role of the Supreme Court of Russia makes it possible to draw a principle conclusion about the need to review its powers, to leave it the function of control of lower courts in terms of compliance with the uniformity of law enforcement practice as well as the exclusion of supervision from the number of courts. As well as the transfer of courts of general jurisdiction in the three-tier system, while maintaining the possibility of consideration of cases in the first instance for three types of courts: magistrates; district court; Supreme Court of the Republic, regional court, court of cities of the federal significance, court of the autonomous region, court of the autonomous district. At the same time, justices of peace should be included in the structure of the district court. Possibility of adoption of the uniform Civil Procedure Code.

About the authors

E. V. Marina

Department of Criminal Process and Criminalistics, Samara National Research University

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation


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