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In this article problems of ensuring equality among participants of purchasing activity through the analysis of the operating principles underlain in the legislation on contract system are considered. Law-enforcement and administrative practice of the Samara Region when carrying out the largest purchases is analysed. Need of sharing of positive practice of standardization and a tipologization of the regional catalog of goods, works, services of the Samara Region is revealed and proved. Characteristics of law-enforcement practice on the example of mistakes by drawing up the first and second parts of applications for purchase are allocated and described and also versions of their solution are proposed. Such look will be interesting to experts who directly form procurement documentation. On the basis of the conducted research the author offers filling the gaps in the legislation and applications of uniform approach in interpretation of the legislation in the sphere of purchases by law enforcement officials, regulatory and judicial authorities.

About the authors

A. P. Akopyan

Department of State and Administrative Law, Samara National Research University

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation


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Copyright (c) 2018 Akopyan A.P.

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