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The article is devoted to the research of legal bases and legal limits of resocialization of persons who have served criminal penalty and were released from it that is especially important in view of interbranch and interdisciplinary character of this phenomenon which is a subject of attention not only of legal, but also sociological sciences. For valuation of systemacity of legislation on resocialization 22 federal legal acts, 81 regional and municipal legal acts were investigated by the author. On the basis of the analysis of current legislation conclusions on deficiency of interrelation and interaction of norms on penitentiary and postpenitentiary resocialization, on a discrepancy of volume of legislative concepts of resocialization and social adaptation with the content of their qualitative signs and also on deficiency of special legal warranties for the released person on rendering the assistance in adaptation to essentially new living conditions to him are drawn. As a result the directions of improvement of current federal legislation which are designed to improve the quality of regional legal acts subsequently and to correct practice of resocialization of persons who have served criminal penalty and were released from it locally are offered.

About the authors

O. V. Klimanova

Department of Criminal Law and Criminology, Samara National Research University

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation


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Copyright (c) 2018 Klimanova O.V.

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