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The article deals with the  problem of determining the priority directions of application of criminal law. It is noted that criminal law is more focused not on resocialization, but on retribution, which entails serious social costs. This is explained by the theory of expected utility, according to which people often ignore the long-term consequences, show myopia. The society demands retribution and thus groundlessly hopes that subsequently the criminal after the served sentence will correct. This problem is considered through the prism of the laws established in economic science in relation to the sphere of investment and consumption. Society and the state in committing a crime are forced to choose between immediate satisfaction of their needs for retribution (consumption) and the complete or partial abandonment of criminal prosecution, resocialization of the person (investment). This rejection of investment will lead in the future to reduce the effectiveness of the criminal justice system (paradox of thrift). It is concluded that only cultural stereotypes are an obstacle to the revision of the criticized strategy.

About the authors

O. N. Bibik

Department of Criminal Law and Criminology, Law Faculty, Dostoyevsky Omsk State University

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation


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