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In the article the functions of the President of Russia in the system of realization of public authority are observed and classification of those functions is offered. The author of the article distinguishes in the first place traditional representational function of the President of Russia, and secondly indicates the presence of specific functions of the head of the Russian country, connected with the coordination of public authorities and arbitration of public authorities in case of political conflicts. Thirdly, function of public administration that is realized by specific inherent presidential power methods, is observed. Meanwhile the author take an attempt to distinguish executive power and presidential power in the system of public administration. So that it is supposed that presidential power have an authority to moderate the executive power. The author of the article comes to the conclusion of the independent political and law nature of the functions of presidential power, that are not peculiar to the other branches of power.

About the authors

S. A. Osetrov

Department of State and Administrative Law, Samara National Research University

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation


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