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The author analyzes some limitations of the monistic and pluralistic approaches to the problem of correlation between the source of law and the form of law. The logical construction of interaction between the initial source of law, the source of law and the form of law as interrelated and independent categories according to willed law-making concept is proposed. The initial sources of law are determined as the objectively existing and affecting subjects of law-making factors. The source of law is an external expression (outside action) of the will of law-making activity`s subject at the moment of making a decision to create norms of law and fixing them within a certain form. As a form of law is understood the formal (formalized) shell of grouped norms of law; this shell is necessary for the subsequent realization of law and its interpretation. This linear logical construction of the categories «initial source of law» – «source of law» – «form of law» can be used to create potential unification of some theoretical and practical positions on the appropriate issues.

About the authors

M. Yu. Spirin

Department of Theory and History of State and Law and International Law, Samara National Research University

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation


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