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With the sovereign advent of the Internet in all spheres of human life, qualitative changes have occurred in the former communicative model of the mass media. The development in the field of information technology has led to the formation of a new linguistic phenomenon – a newspaper text online format. The article is devoted to the study of the dialogical space of the polemical discourse of German-language printed media. The purpose of the study is to find an answer to the question of how the controversy is realized, how the reflexive space is formed, where many factors converge, like in focus: psychological, social and proper linguistic factors that determine the specific verbal behavior of modern communicators. The main communicative practices are distinguished: multimedia, hypertextuality and interactivity, which allow defining the phenomenon under study as a special communicative product, based on the interaction of subjects in the process of discussing a pressing problem. Special attention is paid to changing the direction of actions of the communicative process – the transition to the so-called «horizontal communication» according to the scheme «from many to many.» Online versions of newspapers and magazines offer users an interactive tool that makes it possible to control the content, feedback, participation in forums, commenting on articles. In addition to the usual comments, the article highlights a special kind of professional commentary – «polemical.» The evaluation and modal components of the polemical commentary are characterized by the presence of polar points of view, which creates a space of controversy, a space of reflexive dialogue, expanding the possibilities of the readership to join the discussion. The materials of the work represent a wide field for further work on the study of language regulators that guide communicative interaction in an infinitely variable communicative environment.

About the authors

A. I. Udelkina

Samara National Research University

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-7045-4310

postgraduate student of the Department of German Philology


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