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The increase in acts of verbal aggression in pedagogical environment is one of the main issues of pedagogical communication. Teachers’ verbal aggression (conscious or nonconscious) leads to communicative instability and becomes a destructive speech model for students to emulate, so that has a negative impact on educational process, teacher’s psychic health and causes students’ neurotization. The article analyzes the core of teachers’ verbal aggression, its reasons and mechanisms; organizes its types and effects in pedagogical communication. Methodology: analysis and synthesis of specific scientific knowledge; generalization and systematization of facts and statements; pedagogical observation on teachers’ verbal aggression in practice. The study identifies the main types of teachers’ verbal aggression: imperative request, intention to punish, interdiction, mockery as a way of assessment, ironic comments, clear or hidden thread, censure, hostile comments. The author proves the necessity to implement a practical-oriented system of teachers’ communicative competence development aimed to harmonize pedagogical communication through certain ways and methods to counteract verbal aggression. The article defines the means to develop teacher’s communicative potential: to improve the knowledge how to reach communicative balance in pedagogical communication with the suitable partnership strategies; to investigate the understanding of linguistic manipulation and its impact; to update teacher’s reflective abilities in situations of heated conflict; to develop skills in useful criticism.

About the authors

E. Yu. Sysoeva

Samara National Research University

Author for correspondence.
Email: morenov@ssau.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-7045-4310

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, associate professor, assisstant professor of the Department of Theory and Methods of Professional Education


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