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The main objective of the development of the military-industrial complex (MIC) of the country is to ensure its effective functioning as a high-tech sector of the economy, able to meet the needs of the Armed Forces in modern weapons, which leads to a social order for the training of specialists in the defense industry, possessing not only professionalism, but also high civil-Patriotic qualities.

The article describes the system of formation of future specialists of the defense complex of professionally oriented patriotism, taking into account the specifics and features of professional activity and containing interrelated elements: target, methodological, meaningful, procedural and effective, developed on the basis of system-structural, complex-adaptive, personality-oriented and competence-based approaches. The purpose of the system is to form a professionally oriented patriotism of future specialists of the defense industry, the implementation of which is possible in solving the problem of development of indicators in its structure by means of pedagogical events. The methodological element is based on the principle of identification of structures of socio-cultural function of activities to strengthen the country’s defense and value function of Patriotic culture. The content element of the system is designed on the principles of continuity and consistency, which determines the appropriateness of the allocation of successive stages in the process of formation of professionally oriented patriotism of students of defense specialties. The procedural element of the system of formation of professionally oriented patriotism is based on the principles of complex – adaptive and personality-oriented approaches. The effective element of the system is based on the competence approach and focuses on the results of activities in accordance with the goals and objectives.

The approved system of formation of professionally oriented patriotism of future specialists of the defense industry has given a positive dynamics of all indicators in the structure of components, which indicates the effectiveness of its application.

About the authors

N. P. Ustinova

Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-7045-4310

head of the group of methodological support and information of management of educational work with students


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