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There are unique pieces of literature in the Bashkir folklore

which contain valuable information about the ethnic stereotypes

of behavior. The problem of learning the Bashkirs epic heritage to

identify etiquette information remains topical because it is littlestudied.

Also it is important to build a holistic picture of ethnoetiquette.

The purpose of the article is to analyse the epic tales «KongurBuga»

to identify features of Bashkirs ethno-etiquette presented in

an oral tradition. We solved the following tasks to achieve this

goal: etiquette situation was analyzed in the epos «Kongur-Buga»;

semiotic meaning of certain etiquette attributes was identified. An

integrated approach, involving the analysis of historical, philosophical

and ethnographic works and folklore texts, allowed to learn in a

flexible manner individual etiquette situations.

To sum up, the epos «Kongur-Buga» contains valuable knowledge

of the people, some information about the material, spiritual and

behavioral culture of the Bashkirs ethnic history. In the epos we

can see the cult of ancestors, cosmological and cosmogonic

representations, family etiquette, hospitality custom, veneration of

animals and nature in general.


About the authors

R. R. Bayazitova

Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after M. Akmulla

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-1825-0097


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Copyright (c) 2016 Bayazitova R.R.

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