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The activity of radiouniversity as an oral tool of antireligious propaganda was represented rather widely in soviet historiography, however due to ideological constraints of the latter, the objectivity of their interpretation has been questioned by contemporary scholars in consequence of which this theme get polemical character. Turn to micro-history caused special interest to the local aspect of the problem which had been predominantly ignored in the previous years. Ethno-religious peculiarities of TASSR, which differ it from the other regions of the Soviet state, singles out the regional radiounivesity against the general system of soviet antireligious propaganda in the 1930-ies. This article looks at the diversity of forms of antireligious propaganda implemented in the TASSR as well as the question about the role of radiouniversity in the above mentioned system is placed. Special attention is paid to the analysis of its efficiency among semi-literate local population. The author concludes that the religious consciousness of the believers was rather high as well as their ability to resist ideological pressure of the authorities.

About the authors

V. N. Mukhin

Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-1825-0097
Russian Federation


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