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The article contains an analytical survey of the scholarly works by one of the most prominent representatives of Samara historical school, professor E.L. Dubman. The author distinguished some periods in Dubman’s creative work, he emphasizes that scholarly works by E.Dubman contribute a lot in the study of the history of the Samara Region in the 16th – 17th centuries, the history of the South-Eastern part of European Russia. The author also pays attention to the Dubman’s role in edition of the collective volumes on the history of
the Middle Volga Region, in the archival search and publishing of historical sources on the history of Samara and Middle Volga.

About the authors

P. S. Kabytov

Samara National Research University

Author for correspondence.
Email: morenov.sv@ssau.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-1825-0097
Russian Federation


  1. Astashkin R.S. Rossiia i torgovaia ekspansiia evropeitsev na Vostok (vtoraia polovina XVI – XVII vv.): dis. … kand. ist. nauk [Russia and trade expansion of Europeans on East (second half of XVI–XVII centuries): Candidate’s of Historical Sciences thesis]. Samara, 2007 [in Russian].
  2. Balashov G.V., Dubman E.L., Kabytov P.S. Efrem Ignat’evich Medvedev – chelovek, uchenyi, pedagog [Efrem Ignatievch Medvedev – person, scientist, pedagogue]. Samara: Izd-vo «Samarskii universitet», 2006, 176 p. [in Russian].
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  5. Dubman E.L. Sotsial’no-ekonomicheskoe razvitie i klassovaia bor’ba v krae vo vtoroi polovine XVI – XVII vv [Social and economic development and class struggle in the Region in the second half of the XVI–XVII centuries]. In: Zemlia Samarskaia [Samara Land]. Kuibyshev, 1990 [in Russian].
  6. Dubman E.L. Khoziaistvennoe osvoenie Srednego Povolzh’ia v XVII v. Po materialam tserkovno-monastyrskikh vladenii [Development of Middle Volga Region in the XVII century. On
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  8. Dubman E.L. Skazanie o pervykh samartsakh. Ocherki po istorii Samary 1586 – 1680-kh gg. [Legend of the first Samara people. Essays on the history of Samara 1586–1680 years]. Samara: Izd. tsentr «ArtMaket», 1991, 74 p. [in Russian].
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  11. Dubman E.L. Promyslovoe predprinimatel’stvo i osvoenie Ponizovogo Povolzh’ia v kontse XVI – XVII vv. [Fishing entrepreneurship and reclamation of the Lowland Volga Region in the second half of the XVI–XVII centuries]. Samara: Izd-vo «Samarskii universitet», 1999, 216 p. [in Russian].
  12. Dubman E.L. Promyslovoe predprinimatel’stvo i osvoenie Ponizovogo Povolzh’ia vo vtoroi polovine XVI – XVII vv.: diss… dokt. ist. nauk [Fishing entrepreneurship and reclamation of the Lowland Volga Region in the second half of the XVI–XVII centuries: Doctor’s of Historical Sciences thesis]. Samara, 2000 [in Russian].
  13. Dubman E.L. Novaia Zakamskaia liniia: sud’ba, proekt, stroitel’stvo. 2-e izd-e ispr. i dop. [New Trans-Kama Line: fate, project, construction. 2nd edition, revised and enlarged]. Samara: Izd-vo «Samarskii universitet», 2005, 196 p. [in Russian].
  14. Dubman E.L. Proekt Syzranskoi linii: predystoriia, sozdanie i sud’ba [Project of Syzran line: prehistory, creation and fortune]. Izvestiia Samarskogo nauchnogo tsentra RAN [Proceedings of Samara scientific center of the Russian Academy of Sciences], 2011, Vol. 13, no. 3(2), pp. 326–332
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  16. Dubman E.L. Stroitel’stvo Karsunskoi i Simbirskoi chert kak sostavnoi chasti edinoi sistemy ukreplenii evropeiskoi lesostepi Rossii [Construction of Karsunsky and Simbirsk lines as a constituent element of a unified system of fortification of European forest-steppe of Russia]. In: Rus’. Rossiia:
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  18. Dubman E.L. Dokumenty General’nogo Dvora v s. Preobrazhenskom kak istochnik po sostavu i kolichestvu naseleniia russkogo goroda rubezha XVII – XVIII vv. [Documents of the General Courtyard in the Preobrazhensky village as a source on structure and quantity of population
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  20. Dubman E.L. Ot Kazanskogo pokhoda do Smutnogo vremeni [From Kazan campaign to the Time of Troubles]. In: Samarskaia letopis’. Ocherki istorii Samarskogo kraia s drevneishikh vremen do nachala XX veka. V 2 kn. / Pod red. P.S.Kabytova, L.V.Khramkova. Kniga pervaia. Samarskii krai s
  21. drevneishikh vremen do serediny XIX veka. [Samara chronicle. Essays on the history of the Samara Region from ancient times up to the beginning of the XX century. In Books. P.S. Kabytov, L.V. Khramkov (Eds.). Book 1. Samara Region from ancient times up to the middle of the XIX century]. Samara: Izd-vo «Samarskii universitet», Izd-vo «ArtMaket», 1993, pp. 36–58 [in Russian].
  22. Dubman E.L., Smirnov Yu.N. Prisoedinenie Povolzh’ia k Rossii. Samarskii krai vo vtoroi polovine XVI – nachale XVII veka [Accession of the Volga Region to Russia. Samara Region in the second half of the XVI–beginning of the XVII century]. In: Istoriia Samarskogo Povolzh’ia s drevneishikh vremen do nashikh dnei. XVI – pervaia polovina XIX veka [History of the Samara Volga Region from ancient times to our days. XVI–first half of the XIX century]. M.: Nauka, 2000, pp. 10–71 [in Russian].
  23. Dubman E.L., Artamonova L.M. Porubezhnyi krai Rossiiskoi derzhavy (XVII – seredina XVIII veka) [Border land Region of the Russian empire (XVII–middle of the XVIII century)].
  24. Istoriia Samarskogo Povolzh’ia s drevneishikh vremen do nashikh dnei. XVI – pervaia polovina XIX veka [History of the Samara Volga Region from ancient times to our days. XVI–first half of the XIX century]. M.: Nauka, 2000, pp. 72–[in Russian].
  25. Dubman E.L. Iugo-Vostok Evropeiskoi Rossii. Chast’ I. Povolzhskii frontir v seredine XVI – XVII vv. Ocherki istorii [Southeast of the European Russia. Part I. Volga Region frontier in the middle of the XVI–XVII centuries. Essays on history]. Samara: Izd-vo «Samarskii universitet», 2015, 236 p. [in Russian].
  26. Dubman E.L. Kniaz’ Grigorii Zasekin – stroitel’ volzhskikh gorodov [Prince Grigory Zasekin – constructor of the Volgian cities]. Samara: Izd-vo «Pechatnyi dvor», 2002, 90 p. [in Russian].
  27. Dubman E.L. Voennyi inzhener Il’ia Bibikov i stroitel’stvo Novoi Zakamskoi linii [Military engineer Ilya Bibikov and construction of New Trans-Kama Line]. In: Samarskii krai v zhizni i tvorchestve vydaiushchikhsia lichnostei. Sbornik statei i materialov III Mezhdunarodnoi nauchnoprakticheskoi
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  30. Dubman E.L., Kabytov P.S., Tagirova N.F. Ocherki istorii iugo-vostoka Evropeiskoi Rossii / Pod red. P.S.Kabytova [Essays on history of the southeast of European Russia]. P.S. Kabytov (Ed.). Samara: Izd-vo «Samarskii universitet», 2004, 696 p. [in Russian].
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  32. Dubman E.L. Angliiskie puteshestvenniki na volzhskom puti (vtoraia polovina XVI v.) [English travelers on the Great Volga River Route (second half of the XVI century)]. Vestnik Samarskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta [Vestnik of Samara State University], 2007, no. 53(55), pp. 96–106 [in Russian].
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  37. Kabytov P.S., Dubman E.L. et al. Istoriia Samarskogo Povolzh’ia s drevneishikh vremen do nashikh dnei. V 6 t. [History of the Samara Volga Region from the ancient times to the present days. In 6 Vols.]. M.: Nauka, 2000 [in Russian].
  38. Kabytov P.S., Dubman E.L., Leontieva O.B. et al. «Obretenie Rodiny»: obshchestvo i vlast’ v Srednem Povolzh’e (vtoraia polovina XVI – nachalo XX v.). Chast’ 1. Ocherki istorii: monografiia [«Acquisition of the Homeland»: society and power in the Middle Volga Region (second half of the XVI–beginning of the XX century). Part 1. Essays on history: monograph]. Samara: Izd-vo «Samarskii universitet», 2013, 360 p. [in Russian].
  39. Kabytov P.S., Dubman E.L., Leontieva O.B. et al. «Obretenie Rodiny»: obshchestvo i vlast’ v Srednem Povolzh’e (vtoraia polovina XVI – nachalo XX v.). Chast’ 2: Zaselenie regiona i etnodemograficheskaia situatsiia [«Acquisition of the Homeland»: society and power in the Middle Volga Region (second half of the XVI–beginning of the XX century). Part 2. Colonization of the Region and ethno demographic situation]. Samara: Izd-vo «Samarskii universitet», 2014, 254 p. [in Russian].
  40. Kabytov P.S., Dubman E.L. Srednee Povolzh’e i problema natsional’nykh otnoshenii [Middle Volga Region and the problem of national relations]. Regionologiia [Regionology], 1993, no.2 [in Russian].
  41. Kabytov P.S., Dubman E.L. Predislovie [Foreword]. In: Istoriia Samary: ot voevodskogo upravleniia do Gubernskoi Dumy. Kniga pervaia [History of Samara: from voivode management to the Regional Duma. Book 1]. Samara: SNTs RAN, 2011, pp. 6–7 [in Russian].
  42. Kabytov P.S., Dubman E.L., Leontieva O.B. Sredniaia Volga i Zavolzh’e v protsesse formirovaniia rossiiskoi gosudarstvennosti: sovremennaia kontseptsiia [Middle Volga region and trans-Volga region in the process of formation of Russian statehood: modern concept]. Quaestio Rossica, 2015, no. 2, pp. 117–131 [in Russian].
  43. Kabytov P.S., Dubman E.L. S.F. Platonov i Samara: istoriia i pamiat’: materialy i issledovaniia / nauch. red. prof. P.S. Kabytov [S.F. Platonov and Samara: history and memory: materials and research]. P.S. Kabytov (Ed.). Samara: Izd-vo «Samarskii universitet», 2015, 90 p. [in Russian].
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